Dear students,
We are proud to introduce KIC Alumini Association at Kantipur International College. We have always been delighted to you as part of Kantipur family. The contribution and effort that you have made shall always be remembered. We want our new members to learn and get inspired by you.
Kindly fill out the form to become a member of alumni club association and we will be contacting you.
Full Name *
Gender *
Date of Birth *
Email *
Mobile *
Corresponding Address *
Blood Group *
—Please choose an option—O positiveO negativeA positiveA negativeB positiveB negativeAB positiveAB negative
Enrolled Year *
Enrolled Degree *
—Please choose an option—BE CIVILB ARCH
What were your motivations for enrolling on a course at KIC? *
What were the best things being here at KIC? *
What does your current career involve? How do you obtain this role? *
What ambitions do you have for the future? *
How likely is it that you would recommend KIC to another student? *
Please attach your photos. These would be a great addition to your profile and help to show what college life was like in your decade. *
If you have any questions or queries regarding alumni profiles please contact The Alumni Team
E- mail:
Tel: 014790564